Thursday, September 13, 2007

Patriots get off easy with cheating penalty

After getting a lot of player suspensions right in the offseason, NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell got one wrong.

Upon confiscation and review of a video taken by a Patriots employee in a blowout of the New York Jets on Sunday, it was determined that New England had been video taping Jets coaches relaying signals into their defense.

This is not the first time the Patriots have been accused of stealing signs. Green Bay accused them of the same thing last year, although nothing was ever proved.

The Patriots are cheaters.

NFL players found to have taken steroids are suspended four games. The Patriots got away with fines and being docked a first round draft pick if they make the playoffs or a second and third round pick if they do not.

It's not enough. The Patriots have money. Bill Belichick has money. The team has talent.

Goodell should have hit the Patriots where it hurts.

Belichick should not only be fined but suspended four games. They should also have to forfeit the game against the Jets.

The penalty imposed is a joke.

This is the integrity of the game we are talking about. Pete Rose was banned from baseball for comprimising the integrity of the game. An NBA referee was let go for comprimising the integrity of the game.

And all the Patriots get is a slap on the hand.

Players have come out and questioned why the Patriots always seem a step ahead of everyone. How long have the Patriots been cheating? Did they cheat in any of their Super Bowl wins?

Some Eagle players are questioning that.

In the 2004 Super Bowl, every time the Eagles blitzed, the Patriots threw a short pass. Did they know when blitzes were coming?

The game was tied at halftime. The Patriots dominated the second half. Halftime adjustments or cheating?

We may never know. And nothing will change at this point. However, this issue should be further investigated. If baseball is investigating steroids and who used them, why should football not go back and research it's past?

The NFL has a lot of black eyes from players getting in trouble with the law.

But as far as the game is concerned, this is the biggest.

Unfortunately, this was not penalized like it should have been.

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Born and raised right outside of Philadelphia, I am a passionate Phillies, Eagles, and Flyers fan. This blog takes my passion of sports and writing and combines them into "Out of Bounds."
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I was raised in Warminster, PA. I am married to Veronica and we have three children, Brianna, Katie, and Alex. I work at Ashland Distribution as a Customer Service Supervisor.

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I've written professionally for The Press Enterprise in Bloomsburg, PA. I was also a Sports Writer, Sports Editor, and Managing Editor at The Voice (Bloomsburg college paper).
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