Saturday, August 02, 2008

NFL players getting out of hand with contracts

These days it doesn't make much sense for an NFL player to sign any contract. After all, chances are they will be complaining about it in a couple of years anyway.

I have one word for how these things work out - ridiculous.

Why bother signing on the dotted line if you are going to ask for a new deal before your current deal is done(Lito Scheppard, Chad Johnson, etc)?

Players know that salaries are going to go up over the course of their contract. They know other players at their position will have higher values year after year.

They sign long term deals for security, but then cry like babies when others are making more than them two years into their deal.

I have a suggestion - don't sign if you are going to complain about it!

Nobody makes them sign these contracts. They do it on their own merrit. I am sick of the whining. They are makimg millions of dollars.

Honor your contract and live with a decision you made to sign it.

The complaining is getting old.

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Born and raised right outside of Philadelphia, I am a passionate Phillies, Eagles, and Flyers fan. This blog takes my passion of sports and writing and combines them into "Out of Bounds."
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I was raised in Warminster, PA. I am married to Veronica and we have three children, Brianna, Katie, and Alex. I work at Ashland Distribution as a Customer Service Supervisor.

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I've written professionally for The Press Enterprise in Bloomsburg, PA. I was also a Sports Writer, Sports Editor, and Managing Editor at The Voice (Bloomsburg college paper).
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