I'm not very fond of Barry Bonds. I think he was on steroids for a period of time.
At the same time, I think all of the negative criticism he has received while chasing the all-time home run record is not warrented.
While many believe Bonds should not be recognized as the home run king, I think people have to remember that Bonds has not been convicted of using steroids, nor has he ever admitted to using them.
What happened to not being guilty unless proven otherwise?
Bonds has gotten an unfiar shake.
Of coarse, many people do not like Bonds to begin with. He does not seem like a nice guy, he seems selfish. But that should not lead to saying his record should have an asterik next to it.
Commisioner Bud Selig has said he is not sure if he will be in attendance when Bonds breaks the record.
I just don't get that. This is a major deal. This is a major record.
Whether or not Bonds took steroids, he still deserves some sort of congratulations. Sure, juicing makes you stronger. But you still have to hit the baseball.
I am not saying taking steroids is ok. It is not, it is cheating. But to this point, there is no proof Bonds took steroids.
For that very reason, Selig should be there.
If Bonds is ever convicted, then I am all for the home run record not counting.
But he is innocent until proven guilty.
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